Ekman’s two centuries of experience have given us the wisdom to know when and where to apply technology and innovation along with the market insight to see the business benefit brought about by change. We are also aware of that a healthy environment and sustainable development of the world’s resources is fundamental to our business. The Forest/Environmental Assertion Letter for Coastal Pulp and Paper LLC is found here, and the Commitment Statement for Ekman & Co Inc. is found here.

As part of the environmental work we are certified in accordance to the following standards:


The Forest Stewardship Council® is an independent, non-profit, international organization promoting responsible forest management worldwide, through its certification system FSC. For further information, visit www.fsc.org

Certified offices:

Ekman & Co AB, Gothenburg and Kristinehamn, Sweden – FSC-C013203 – Link to FSC® Certificate DNV-COC-000499

Ekman AG, Zurich, Switzerland – FSC-C013203 – Link to FSC® Certificate DNV-COC-000499

Ekman Polska SP zo. o., Gdynia, Poland – FSC-C013203 – Link to FSC® Certificate DNV-COC-000499

Ekman South Africa (Pty) Ltd, Cape Town, South Africa – FSC-C013203 – Link to FSC® Certificate DNV-COC-000499

Ekman Italia S.r.l., Milan, Italy - FSC-C134489- Link to FSC@ Certificate DNV-COC-001444

Ekman & Co Inc., Miami FL, USA – FSC-C103598 – Link to FSC® Certificate C103598

Ekman Pulp and Paper Limited, Hong Kong, PRC – FSC-C103598 – Link to FSC® Certificate C103598

Ekman Pty Ltd, Melbourne, Australia – FSC-C103598 – Link to FSC® Certificate C103598

Kwok Fung (Sino HK) Enterprise Ltd, Hong Kong, PRC – FSC-C016305 – Link to FSC® Certificate BV-COC-068372

Ekman Pulp & Paper Co, Ltd, Tokyo, Japan – FSC-C106172 – Link to FSC® Certificate SA-COC-002874

Coastal Pulp and Paper LLC, West Linn OR, USA – FSC-C103598 – Link to FSC® Certificate RA-COC-004887

Coastal Pulp and Paper Ltd, Hong Kong, PRC – FSC-C103598 – Link to FSC® Certificate RA-COC-004887



The Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification is an international non-profit, non-governmental organization dedicated to promoting sustainable forest management. For further information, visit www.pefc.org

Certified offices:

Ekman & Co AB, Gothenburg and Kristinehamn, Sweden – Link to PEFC certificate DNVSE-PEFC-COC-47

Ekman AG, Zurich, Switzerland – Link to PEFC certificate DNVSE-PEFC-COC-47

Ekman Polska SP zo. o., Gdynia, Poland – Link to PEFC certificate DNVSE-PEFC-COC-47

Ekman South Africa (Pty) Ltd, Cape Town, South Africa – Link to PEFC certificate DNVSE-PEFC-COC-47

Ekman & Co Inc., Miami FL, USA – Link to PEFC Certificate PBN-PEFC-COC-007304

Ekman Pty Ltd, Melbourne, Australia– Link to PEFC Certificate PBN-PEFC-COC-007304

Ekman Pulp and Paper Limited, Hong Kong, PRC – Link to PEFC Certificate PBN-PEFC-COC-007304

Ekman Pulp & Paper Co, Ltd, Tokyo, Japan - Link to PEFC Certificate SA-PEFC-COC-002874

Coastal Pulp and Paper LLC, West Linn OR, USA – Link to PEFC Certificate PwC-PEFC-501

Coastal Pulp and Paper Ltd, Hong Kong, PRC - Link to PEFC Certificate PwC-PEFC-501


Sustainable Forestry Initiative is an independent, non-profit organization dedicated to nurturing the future of our forests while promoting sustainable forest management across the United States and Canada. It covers a wide range of criteria and indicators that address various aspects of forest management, including conserving biodiversity, safeguarding water quality, community engagement, and ensuring worker safety. For further information, visit: https://forests.org/

Certified offices:

Ekman & Co Inc., Miami FL, USA – Link to SFI Certificate PBN-SFI/COC-007304

Ekman Pty Ltd, Melbourne, Australia – Link to SFI Certificate PBN-SFI/COC-007304

Ekman Pulp and Paper Limited, Hong Kong, PRC – Link to SFI Certificate PBN-SFI/COC-007304


The Sustainable Biomass Program (SBP) is a unique certification system designed for woody biomass, mostly in the form of wood pellets and wood chips, used in industrial, large-scale energy production. For more information, visit https://sbp-cert.org/

Certified offices:

Ekman & Co AB, Gothenburg, Sweden – Link to SBP Certificate SBP-05-08


The Recycled Claim Standard (RCS) is an international, voluntary standard that sets requirements for third-party certification of Recycled input and chain of custody. The goal of the certification system is to increase the use of Recycled materials. For further information, visit TextilExchange RCS + GRS 

Certified offices:

Ekman & Co AB, Gothenburg - CU1071172 – Link to RCS Scope Certificate


The General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People’s Republic of China is  a ministerial, administrative organ directly under the State Council of the People’s Republic of China in charge of national quality, metrology, commodity inspection, entry-exit health quarantine, entry-exit animal and plant quarantine, import-export food safety, certification and accreditation, standardization, as well as administrative law-enforcement.

Licensed offices:

Ekman & Co AB, Gothenburg, Sweden – Link to AQSIQ License

Ekman Recycling, Wall NJ, USA – Link to AQSIQ License

Ekman Pulp and Paper Ltd, Hong Kong, PRC - Link to AQSIQ License


ISO 9001

Ekman & Co AB has a Quality Management System in accordance with the ISO 9001 standard, certified by RISE. The certificate is found here.

Ekman Recycling Limited has a Quality Management System in accordance with the ISO 9001 standard, certified by SGS. The certificate is found here.

The UN Global Compact

The UN Global Compact is the world’s largest corporate sustainability initiative; a call to companies to align strategies and operations with universal principles on human rights, labour, environment and anti-corruption, and take actions that advance societal goals. For further information, visit www.unglobalcompact.org.

Ekman is a participant since 30 November 2021